go back to Forest Hill
Moreland Altobelli
Thu, 17 Jul 2008 07:00:49 -0400 To: "Dorothy Toth Beasley" <beasleydt@bellsouth.net>, <donna@henningmediation.com>, From: Holliday Dental <teeth@mindspring.com> Subject: Forest Hill Rd Mediation Cc: Carol Lystlund <CLystlund@AtlanticSouthernBank.com>, Lindsay Holliday <teeth@mindspring.com>, Susan Hanberry Martin <shanberry@stratford.org>, <mermaidlover@bellsouth.net>,Dan Fischer <FISCHER_DP@Mercer.edu>, Alice Boyd <dmbx1@cox.net>,Rick Chellman <chellman@tndengineering.com>, Virgil Adams <vadams@ajtlaw.com> Dear Judge Beasley,
We do agree with 2 lanes for the northern section, and we appreciate that part of the Bibb County representatives offer. We have reviewed the measurements in the County Reps offer of March 25th. Their "32 foot" measurement does not conform to the standard convention of measuring pavement widths from "curb-to-curb", which adds an additional 5 feet to their design for a total of 37 feet of pavement. We rejected their (March 25th) 3-lane (37 foot) design because it contained the "suicide" center lane in a road designed for 48.5mph traffic. Our insistence on the 35 mph design speed is for public, pedestrian and resident safety. We know from observation that roads like Zebulon Road (designed by the same Moreland-Altobelli team) with a higher design speed regularly experience traffic travelling in excess of 60 mph (with more serious accidents than the pre-improved road). This assertion can be documented in numerous traffic engineering and design manuals, which were referenced by Mr. Chellman. Residents recently had the opportunity to meet with Georgia Power while we were discussing right-of-way acquisition. GA Power representatives indicated that the cost of relocating the power poles and all of the co-located utilities (power, ATT communications and Cox cable) would cost the rate-payers and/or taxpayers approximately $500,000 (split by the county and the utility companies). This would be for a small section of the northern part of the project. If the design speed of the road is 35 mph, then none of the utilities would need to be relocated. This would save us all money, and we would be spared the additional disruption (estimated at 3-5 months added to construction) . Georgia Power does not want to move the utilities. If the County conforms to our request that the design speed and posted speed (35mph) match, the overhead utilities will not have to be moved. We feel like it is time for us to have a sit-down meeting with the county commissioners. They are the final local decision-makers. - The Forest Hill Road Neighborhood Representatives |
"Dorothy Toth Beasley" <beasleydt@bellsouth.net> To: <donna@henningmediation.com>, Cc: "Carol Lystlund" <CLystlund@AtlanticSouthernBank.com>, Subject: Re: Forest Hill Rd Mediation Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 14:12 Thank you very much for your
careful, explained response. Just one query before I pass your
message on to the County representatives: what about the
sidewalks? See the penultimate paragraph in the County
representatives' Response of July 7.
Dorothy Toth Beasley
- The FHR Neighborhood Representatives: - Carol Lystlund <CLystlund@AtlanticSouthernBank.com> [478] 477-3389 730 Forest Hill Rd. Macon 31210 - Lindsay Holliday <teeth@mindspring.com> o-746-5695, h-742-8699, c-335-3452 744 Forest Hill Rd. Macon 31210 - Susan Hanberry Martin <shanberry@stratford.org> w-477-8973 , h-474-4437 4831 Guerry Drive Macon 31210 - Dan Fischer <FISCHER_DP@Mercer.edu> h- 477-3875 h, w- 301-2489, 489 Ashville Drive Macon 31210 - Alice Boyd <dmbx1@cox.net> h-477-6407 540 Forest Hill Rd Macon 31210 |
webpage originates from some of the Mediators for the Friends of Forest
Hill Road in Macon , Georgia. It contains information which may
be confidential or privileged and is intended only for the individuals
or entity named above. It is prohibited for anyone to disclose,
copy, distribute, or use the contents of this webpage. All
personal messages are the express views of Concerned American Citizens
and Taxpayers, and nothing here may be copied or distributed without
their specific and individual permissions. If you reached this webpage or this message in error, please notify me immediately - Lindsay Holliday <teeth@mindspring.com> 478-742-8699 |
- CAUTION Macon - |
Eisenhower Parkway Extension |
go back to Forest Hill Road