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  Forest Hill Road    


Macon, Ga

  SOS forest

  - Meeting  on Oct 11, 2007 at St Francis Church - 

Susan H Martin, Red Boyd, Jimmy Allen, Ron Lemon, Carol G Lystlund, Mary Jones, Dan Fischer, Alice Boyd, Lindsay Holliday, Nell Cullpepper, Dot Gray, Cynthia Patterson, Katherine and Jack Thomas, Carolyn Talbot,  May Ann Richardson, Joe Allen, Vic Jones.
  Updates and srategy...

Dan Fischer is writing a new resolution for the city to assert its responsibility for the health and well being of its citizens to have veto powers over road designs. 

Susan Hanberry has the GDOT - traffic count data that shows a flat line... Elmo has ethics problems... Elmo should recuse himself.... the Purpose and Needs has changed.

Ron Lemon was stonewalled at Moreland-Altobelli when he tried to see and copy the designs of FHR.

Joe Allen is trying to get FHR on the agenda for next Tuesday meeting at Bibb Comm. . .

Ch Bishop is calling meetings with sub-quorum groups of City Councilmen in the next few days - something is up his sleeve?.


- CAUTION Macon -

Forest Hill Road