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  Forest Hill Road    


Macon, Ga

  SOS forest

  - Meeting  on Jan 17, 2008 at St Francis Church - 

Carolyn Talbot,  Carol Lystlund,  Ronnald Cloud,  Lynne Bryan,  Susan Long, Ron Lemon,   Dan Fischer,  Lee and Susan H Martin,   Cynthia Patterson,   Lindsay Holliday


Carol Lystlund reviewed her letter and info from Bibb Co Attorney Virgil Adams about the Mediation to be held on Feb 28th - a Thursday at 9am that will be difficult for most employed citizens to attend.

Dan Fischer's resolution for the city has not yet been promoted by the new Council.  It states that Macon Government is responsible for the health and well being of its citizens, and therefore it must be able to assert veto powers over road designs.  Carol later contacted Nancy White who says " the resolution is completed and signed by both me and Lauren Benedict; we are holding pending mediation."

Susan Hanberry Martin, Dan and Carol will ask Virgil for more details about the Mediation protocols.

Lindsay will write a letter to Telegraph Editors announcing a meeting (January 29th?) pending the reservation of a room at St Francis.

Ron Lemon still plans to write a letter to the Telegraph reporting this fiasco - where Moreland-Altobelli obstructed his efforts to see and copy the designs of FHR.  This fiasco demonstrates why we all need an Open Meeting where the public can see the Current Plans and where questions can be asked and answered by the group/individuals...
Nobody seems to know exactly what the Current Plans really are.


Neighborhood Positions
<> Design Criteria and Constraints <>
  • Protect the integrity and livability of neighborhoods fronting and served by Forest Hill Road.
  • Recognize Forest Hill Road as one of Macon’s premiere scenic residential roadways, and protect that asset.
  • Provide for the safety of motorists, pedestrians and school children.
  • Provide safe and convenience access to adjacent businesses, churches, schools, and residential areas.
  • Provide unimpeded access by public safety vehicles.
  • Minimize on-going maintenance and operations costs by the City of Macon and Bibb County, to include traffic control and policing costs.
  • Use modern traffic-calming and neighborhood-sensitive design techniques to further the above.
  • Employ a design speed of 40mph.
  • Minimize the footprint of the roadway and construction zone to preserve the existing landscaping and tree cover, and to avoid the expense and disruption of relocating utility lines and poles.
  • Recognize that the current Statement of Need is outdated, and adopt a new one that realistically reflects current and future needs and traffic volumes.
  • Thoroughly study the effect of induced traffic volumes on Vineville/Forsyth, Ridge, and Park Street; delay construction if increased volume will require expansion of those roadways that is unacceptable or not planned in the near future.   (DanF 1-21-08)


- CAUTION Macon -

Forest Hill Road