Forest Hill
Road Homepage
Forest Hill Road |
Macon, Ga Rights Of Way (ROW) |
a scan of the ROW plat: and below is a smaller version of same: Photo of 1st set of survey stakes: Photo of 2nd set of stakes (is not posted yet.) Illustration of intrusion into the 25 foot stream buffer zone: |
row |
row |
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 15:08 To: "Wayne Roberts" <> From: Holliday Dental <> Subject: RE: Mary D. Holliday...Parcel 41....Project STP-3213-00 (003)...BRMLB-3213-00 (005)...P.I.# 351130 Cc:,"Ross, Gerald" <>, Jim Cole <>,"Jeff Franklin" <>, <>,"Jeff Joyner" <>, "Hugh Wellman" <>,"Steve Daniel" <>, "Steve Luxenberg" <>, <>,<>, "John Christopher Clark" <>, "Ford, Clinton" <>,"Buchan, Ben" <>, "Grace Sparrow" <>, "Bibb County Commissioners" <>, <>,<>,<>, <>,<>, "Mayor Robert Reichert" <>, "Miriam Paris" <>, "lonnie miley" <>, "Metric Surveys" <>,<>,,Lee Martin <>, Susan Martin <>, "Daniel P. Fischer" <>, "" <>,Alice Boyd <>, Carol Lystlund <>,"JOM III GALLERY" <>,, Victor Jones <>, "Representative Allen Peake" <>,, Rick Chellman <>,<>, Richard Creswell <>,,Jaime Kaplan <>,,,, "Lauren L. Benedict" <>,, "Paul E. Fisher" <>, Mr. Roberts, I do not want to rush you, but ... (We) have not seen any response from my email sent to you on May 23rd. Please indicate when we might see your response to the numerous questions and issues below. As before, please reply-copy to all the parties of this discussion. . This email is being entered as a Public Comment to the MATS-TIP: to show how reluctant you and Moreland-Altobelli and GDOT seem to be to disclose information about this Forest Hill Road project. You appear to be hiding a lot of information away from public scrutiny on this massive public project costing us Taxpayers over $30 Million according to recent estimates. Thank-you, - Lindsay D Holliday agent for Mary D Holliday Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 06:51:20 -0400 To: "Wayne Roberts" <> From: Holliday Dental <> Subject: RE: Mary D. Holliday...Parcel 41....Project STP-3213-00 (003)...BRMLB-3213-00 (005)...P.I.# 351130 Cc: "Jeff Franklin" <>, <>, "Jeff Joyner" <>, "Hugh Wellman" <>, "Steve Daniel" <>, "Steve Luxenberg" <>, <>, <>, "John Christopher Clark" <>, "Ford, Clinton" <>, "Buchan, Ben" <>, "Grace Sparrow" <>, "Bibb County Commissioners" <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, "Mayor Robert Reichert" <>, "Miriam Paris" <>, "lonnie miley" <>, "Metric Surveys" <>, <>,, Lee Martin <>, Susan Martin <>, "Daniel P. Fischer" <>, "" <>,Alice Boyd <>, Carol Lystlund <>, "JOM III GALLERY" <>, Victor Jones <> Mr. Roberts, We are surprised and shocked enough to be quite distracted after reading your claim that "...the markers placed in Jan & Feb of this year were approximate locations ...". This was never told to us. You and Mr Wellman led us to believe the first set of stakes were the factual points. I cannot image why I might waste my time looking at " approximate locations " at a ROW condemnation discussion. Your claim is patently absurd. It was not until we challenged the first KC stake positions (through our own diligence) that then a second set of stake locations was placed nearby the first set. Please send us documentation to back up your claim about "...the markers placed in Jan & Feb of this year were approximate locations ..." Otherwise, please publicly retract your statements as being incorrect, null and void. Please explain why you have not emailed the (repeatedly) requested information to us. I have already explained that we will not (waste the time to) meet with you on site until we have this information emailed (To All) with adequate time to review its import. If the data sets are too large to email, then you may post them on your website or on the GDOT website within public view. Also, please name the "designer liaison" to whom you refer-____. After the reasonable requests above are all answered, we can move forward with the ROW acquisition discursion. Thank-you, - Lindsay D Holliday agent for Mary D Holliday From: "Wayne Roberts" <> Date: Thu, 12 May 2011 10:10 Dr. Holliday, I have received from the designer liaison the information you have requested in your previous emails (on May 3rd and May 11th). I suggest that we meet at your mother’s property to review the stakes that were placed on March 17, 2011 and so I can deliver to you a CD with the requested data. Perhaps you would like to have a third party present to review the stakes with us and how each stake corresponds to the right of way and construction plans. Regarding your question about a type of guarantee and warranty to ensure the orange barrier fence is not transgressed during the construction of the roadway; the EPD/EPA is charged with ensuring all Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) remain undisturbed by the contractor and its construction activities. The designer has delineated this area on your mother’s property & marked it as an ESA with a note referring the contractor to the General Notes sheets for construction restrictions noted in the Environmental Resource Impact Table. Although, no warranty will be given by GDOT on the right of way option agreement, I have a copy of these regulations from the GDOT Environmental Procedures Manual that I will give to you. The stakes placed on your mother’s property on 3-17-11 were placed by a survey crew and are the exact locations of the right of way and easement points. As we discussed during our previous negotiation meetings, the markers placed in Jan & Feb of this year were approximate locations determined by the designer liaison & r/w staff since many the stakes from the original staking were no longer present. The construction let date for this project is quickly approaching & we must conclude negotiations soon, please contact me with some dates that are convenient for you to review the stakes, right of way plans and the requested information. Thanks, Wayne Roberts From: Holliday Dental [] Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 6:06 AM To: Wayne Roberts Cc: Jeff Franklin;; Jeff Joyner; Hugh Wellman; Steve Daniel; Steve Luxenberg;;; John Christopher Clark; Ford, Clinton; Buchan, Ben; Grace Sparrow; Bibb County Commissioners;;;;;; Mayor Robert Reichert; Miriam Paris; lonnie miley; Metric Surveys;; Subject: RE: Mary D. Holliday...Parcel 41....Project STP-3213-00 (003)...BRMLB-3213-00 (005)...P.I.# 351130 Mr Roberts, I have received your email (5-4-11) where you suggest meeting with us before (and without first) emailing the ROW data we requested on May 3rd. My family still needs some specific data before we can proceed with an independent, 3rd party evaluation and survey. Evaluation of this data must proceed any reasonable discussion of any ROW acquisition settlement. That is why we are now restating our request for the following data: 1- Coordinate values for each KC marker point, and 2- Auto CAD file for this ROW parcel, and 3- Comprehensive Tree Survey data for this parcel that was done by Stantec a few years ago. It might also help us if you could also provide: 4- an explanation as to why the KC markers were placed differently by yourself and Mr Wellman? 5- What type of guarantee and warranty can we have that the orange barrier fence will not be transgressed during construction? 6- Please email the requested data and explanations to [all parties to this email] so that we can all be on the same page. Thank-you, - Lindsay D Holliday agent for Mary D Holliday At 10:45 AM 5/4/2011, Wayne Roberts wrote:  Dr. Holliday, As you know, we have attempted for several weeks to schedule a meeting at your mother's parcel to review the right of way and easement stakes placed by the surveyors in March. During our past meetings, we have discussed in detail other issues such as attempting to work around several large trees located near the driveway & proposing GDOT use dark concrete on the new driveway. At our next meeting, I will certainly look at the large tree located within the stream buffer you mentioned & also give you the proposed location of the orange barrier fence. I will also bring the additional three items you requested in your email. As I remember, Friday and Monday afternoons work best for you. I am available this Friday until 3pm and all day on Monday. I am also available most any night during the week if you prefer to meet after regular working hours. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks, Wayne Roberts -----Original Message----- Date: Tue, 03 May 2011 09:15:33 -0400 To: "Wayne Roberts" <> From: Holliday Dental <> Subject: RE: Mary D. Holliday...Parcel 41....Project STP-3213-00 (003)...BRMLB-3213-00 (005)...P.I.# 351130 Cc: "Jeff Franklin" <>,<>, "Jeff Joyner" <>,"Hugh Wellman" <>, "Steve Daniel" <>, "Steve Luxenberg" <>,,,"John Christopher Clark" <>, "Ford, Clinton" <>,"Buchan, Ben" <>, "Grace Sparrow" <>, Holliday Dental <>, Bibb County Commissioners <>, <>,<>,<>, <>,<>, Mayor Robert Reichert <>, Miriam Paris <>, lonnie miley <>, Metric Surveys <> Dear Sirs, This web-posted photo displays some confusion about the ROW boundaries: Yellow tape on extreme right marks the stakes authorized by Mr Roberts. The next yellow tape nearest it, marks the boundaries according to stakes placed by Mr Wellman. My family is confused because Moreland-Altobelli and their subcontracting engineers, surveyors and ROW acquisition agents have marked two competing sets of ROW, KC-point stakes. The fate of several hundred square feet of stream buffer and at least one massive tree is in question. This tree lies within the 25 foot stream buffer and it is critical to maintaining the current course of the stream and its banks. Large floods here have historically (documented by the partially washed out brick wall) bypassed the bridge and attempted to cut off the driveway. How can we discern where the actual location of the proposed orange "construction barrier fence" is? Illustration of intrusion into the 25 foot stream buffer zone: Unless a better answer is provided, my family will need to proceed with an independent, 3rd party evaluation and survey before we can reasonably discuss any ROW acquisition settlement. That is why we are now requesting the following data: 1- Coordinate values for each KC marker point, and 2- Auto CAD file for this ROW parcel, and 3- Comprehensive Tree Survey data for this parcel that was done by Stantec a few years ago. Thank-you, - Lindsay Holliday At 03:32 PM 3/24/2011, Wayne Roberts wrote: Dr. Holliday, 4- photos of responsible surveyors and principals [garantors] beside each stake. Would they stake their reputation on the location of these KC markers? Because GDOT and its subcontractors are responsible for this confusion, it is reasonable to expect that [they] will be ultimately responsible for any reasonable survey fees and consultations that will be incurred to correct the confusion. Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2011 10:12:52 -0500 To: "Hugh Wellman" <>, Wayne Roberts <>,Ken Sheets <>, From: Holliday Dental <> Subject: Re: Mary D. Holliday...Parcel 41....Project STP-3213-00 (003)...BRMLB-3213-00 (005)...P.I.# 351130 Cc: Steve Luxenberg <>,<>, <>,John Christopher Clark <>, "Ford, Clinton" <>,"Buchan, Ben" <>, Grace Sparrow <> Mr Wellman, A Few Critical Points: - You have failed to "confirm" my very simple request to you in the email below (Feb 25, 2011). It has now been 5 working days. What is your reason for the delay? Do you need more time? - My Mother and I are not finished with our right to negotiate with you for "special stipulations". Any assumption to the contrary was made on your part only. Do not attempt to force your assumptions and words into our mouths. You have misrepresented our status and our intentions. Therefore, I am asking you to: Please respond with a confirmation that our negotiations are ongoing, and that my side has not given up on reaching an agreement. - You have failed to place all the survey stakes that would delineate the property you wish to purchase. This is highly irregular. This does not meet the legal standard of real estate practice in Georgia. It is unreasonable to enter into a real estate deal without the property being clearly surveyed and marked. Any demands for us to do so are clearly substandard, improper and abusive. Are not licensed (Georgia) real estate agents supposed to clearly mark the boundaries of the property they negotiate? - There appears to be some genuine confusion over the partial staking of the survey points, so I am suggesting that we stake ALL the perimeter points of the property you wish to purchase. Do you agree this would be the standard, usual, customary and reasonable path to pursue our negotiations? - I have asked you (email below 1-30-2011) to NOT contact my Mother until we (you and I) have arrived at an agreement. I told you that she was extremely distressed by this project, and that she did NOT want to be involved in the details of our negotiations. You were to negotiate with me as her agent. However, you have since then sent her not one, but two, Registered Letters containing Unreasonable Ultimatums. This effort on your part is clearly harassment of my Mother, and you are now warned that we are deeply and extremely concerned about this behavior. Any further harassment will not be tolerated. Is this clear to you? Have you explained this clearly to Mr Wayne Roberts, and to Mr Ken Sheets - both of whose names appear as signatories on the two registered letters in question? I need to receive a "Reply To All" email from you within 3 business days - either answering all our concerns above, or explaining why you need more time to answer all of our listed concerns. Sincerely, - Lindsay Holliday agent for Mary D Holliday Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 05:43:34 -0500 To: "Hugh Wellman" <> From: Holliday Dental <> Subject: Re: Mary D. Holliday...Parcel 41....Project STP-3213-00 (003)...BRMLB-3213-00 (005)...P.I.# 351130 Cc: "Holliday Dental" <>,<>, <>,<> Mr Wellman, I want for you to re confirm to me (with copy to FHWA) that after finally marking the ROW, as of yesterday, Feb 24, 2011, you are now giving my family 10 days to consider your offer "or else". Thank-you, - Lindsay Holliday cc to FHWA At 07:25 PM 2/24/2011, Hugh Wellman wrote: Dr. Holliday, Per your request please be advised the remaining KC points have been marked on your Mother's parcel (41), the only one that was not marked was KC 12046, this survey point is not identified on our drawings, I assume you meant KC 12043 which we also marked. Points KC10066, KC10362 and KC12039 had previously been marked. Unfortunately this matter will move forward with a 10 day letter regarding negotiations on Monday. Since we don't have an agreement in place regarding this Parcel 41 we can not move forward with special stipulations. Please contact GDOT after receiving the 10 day letter notice. Hugh Wellman -----Original Message----- From: "Holliday Dental" <> Sent 2/14/2011 10:43:31 PM To: "Hugh Wellman" <> Cc: "Holliday Dental" <> Subject: Re: Mary D. Holliday...Parcel 41....Project STP-3213-00 (003)...BRMLB-3213-00 (005)...P.I.# 351130 Ok, Thank-you. At 03:29 PM 2/14/2011, Hugh Wellman wrote: Dr. Holliday, I will check on the status of this matter, and get back with you. Have a good day. Thank you, Hugh Wellman -----Original Message----- From: "Holliday Dental" <> Sent 2/14/2011 6:23:46 AM To: "Hugh Wellman" <>, "Wayne" <> Subject: Re: Mary D. Holliday...Parcel 41....Project STP-3213-00 (003)...BRMLB-3213-00 (005)...P.I.# 351130 Dear Sirs: As of my inspection of the property yesterday, there were still no KC markers near the requested locations. I did notice KC-12039, but it was probably not a new placement, and I did not comment on it previously, because it (KC-12039) is not on the perimeter of GDOT's requested ROW that we are trying to establish and to visualize. Please let us know when we might expect to see the requested KC markers. Thank-you. Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 22:53 To: "Hugh Wellman" <>, Wayne <> From: Holliday Dental <> Subject: Re: Mary D. Holliday...Parcel 41....Project STP-3213-00 (003)...BRMLB-3213-00 (005)...P.I.# 351130 Mr Wellman and Mr Roberts, Our family spent a few hours last weekend looking at the engineer's drawings of the parcel and marking it off with yellow tape by linking the KC survey points. This weekend we spent a few more hours looking at it, and we realized that we need more KC points identified because I just had to guess where some of them were and we do not have an accurate representation in some areas. Thank you for marking KCI0682, 10681 and 12040. We also need for engineers to mark KC10362, 10683, 12046, 12041, 12042, 10044. (there is a tree platted near this last marker that we can not identify by location, and we question whether the creek may not be accurately mapped near that point..?.. but things may become clearer once these KC points are identified..?) Mother will be the one to sign any final agreements, but she does not want to be contacted directly with any queries because she is very distressed about the entire affair. You may send her letters with updates of our progress, if you desire, but do not challenge her to answer you directly before she is ready to speak for herself. Please send all questions directly to me. Copies may be sent to her, but expect for me to answer. Things might possibly slow down a bit now because I will be consulting with legal advisors (by appointment) since my mother and I have never been on the receiving end of a condemnation of property for a politically contentious and broadly unpopular project before. Thank you, - Lindsay Holliday At 02:11 PM 1/28/2011, Hugh Wellman wrote: Dr. Holliday, Good afternoon, I was checking on status in regard to your mother parcel and if she is ready to move forward with this matter. You can contact me at anytime. Please advise Thank you, Hugh Wellman |
We learn that the Utility Poles will not have to be moved IF the design
speed is 35mph. But GDOT/Moreland is designing the road for
50mph, so the Poles need to be moved into peoples yards.
Requiring additional ROW.
Estimated Cost for Forest Hill Road |
source is Bibb County Attn. Virgil Adams - - - - January 23, 2008 Project No. 5240-8, from Northside Dr to Wimbish Rd Design Cost $827,020.00 R/W Cost 2,326,045.00 Construction Cost 9,425,784.00 Utility Relocation Cost 427,000.00 Subtotal: $13,005,849.00 Project No. 5240-9 , from Forsyth Road to Wimbish Road Design Cost $823,996.00 R/W Cost 4,282,511.00 Construction Cost 7,048,464.00 Utility Relocation Cost 993,000.00 Subtotal $13,147,971.00 Total Estimated Cost = $26,153,820.00 Average Cost per mile: $10,000,000.00 Rights of Way Purchases From Spreadsheet: 115 Forest Hill Rd to 2142 Forest Hill Road Includes many side street corner lots 159 = Total Parcels: 100% 47 = Rights of Way Purchased: 29.6% 24 = Rights of Way alleged to be under “Option to Purchase: 15.1% 88 = Rights of Way NOT PURCHASED or OPTIONED: 55.3% The entire 2.6 mile stretch could be resurfaced for $700,000.00 at $50 per linear foot. Widening and turn lanes could probably be done for well under $5 million but that is just a guess. |
As of January 2008, a SuperMajority
of citizens (over 70%) are still refusing to sell their land as ROW to
February 2008 updated numbers: During cross-examination during the Public Testimony in the Bibb County Courthouse on 2-28-08, Van Etheridge of Moreland-Altobelli provided these numbers: 50 Rights of Way are purchased. 20 Rights of way are under option 188 Rights of Way total needed for the projects on FHR = 118 ROW in Northern Section + 70 ROW in the Southern Section Also, there are 144 private driveways to consider and 22 street intersections involved. |
October 5, 2007
STP 3213 (3), Bibb PI: 351130 Forest Hill Road
Deeds/ Easements- Date Closed:
628 Forest Hill Road- 4/25/07
654 Forest Hill Road- 8/22/07
660 Forest Hill Road- 9/12/07
655 Forest Hill Road- 5/15/07
721 Forest Hill Road- 8/10/07
780 Forest Hill Road- 9/27/07
780 Forest Hill Road- 9/14/07
780 Forest Hill Road- 5/21/07
960 Old Lundy Road- 9/21/07
771 Oak Hill Court- 6/7/07
1146 Darlington Drive- 9/26/07
1161 Forest Hill Road- 9/4/07
1183 Forest Hill Road- 9/25/07
96 Forest Hill Road- 8/7/07
890 Forest Lake Drive- 9/13/07
1370 Normandy Road- 7/17/07
894 Green Oak Terrace- 7/23/07
1360 Normandy Road- 8/24/07
869 Glen Hill Court- 6/5/07
901 Hill Place- 9/10/07
1404 Forest Hill Road- 8/31/07
1455 Forest Hill Road- 8/31/07
1430 Forest Hill Road- 8/7/07
1468 Forest Hill Road- 7/26/07
1476 Forest Hill Road- 8/31/07 Options to Purchase
612 Forest Hill Road 616 Forest Hill Road 618 Forest Hill Road 641 Forest Hill Road 642 Forest Hill Road 643 Forest Hill Road 662 Forest Hill Road
717 Forest Hill Road 718 Forest Hill Road 745 Forest Hill Road 780 Forest Hill Road 751 Forest Hill Road 780 Forest Hill Road 876 Old Lundy Road
780 Forest Hill Road
910 Old Lundy Road
795 Afton Court
1255 Forest Hill Road
904 Glenbrook Road
1158 Darlington Drive
1173 Forest Hill Road
895 Green Oak Terrace
1361 Normandy Road
1339 Forest Hill Road
1360 Forest Hill Road
900 Ousley Place
1412 Forest Hill Road
1471 Forest Hill Road
1440 Forest Hill Road
1515 Forest Hill Road No Sale As of January 2008, a SuperMajority of citizens (over 70%) are still refusing to sell their land as ROW to the Ga DOT land acquisition agants from Moreland-Altobelli, Inc. |
How many trees will Ga Power take ? |
The ROW contact person for Ga Power is David Bonair @ 784-5003. cell 747-4461 2nd voice message to return my call on 2-23-08 3-26-08 message frm John Hamman to return call 877-413-9975 GaPower attny is Jay Strickland ![]() John Hamman BridgeWater&Associates, Inc. Bin 1051 241 Ralph McGill Blvd. NE. Atlanta, GA 30308-3374 Cell 770-550-7787 877-413-9975 Radio 20975 (independent contractor of GaPower) Hammon will also meet with Wayne Roberts of MAAI tomorrow. |
How much land will Ga Power need ? | ||
back to Forest Hill Road |
- CAUTION Macon - |