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MATS CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGMINUTES SUMMARYMACON-BIBB COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION682 CHERRY ST., SUITE 1000MACON, GEORGIA 31201 Meeting Description MATS Citizens Advisory Committee MeetingDate 06-18-08 Time 5:00pm Location P & Z 10th Floor Conference Room
MINUTES On Wednesday, June 18, 2008 a regular meeting of the MATS Citizens Advisory Committee was held in the 10th floor conference room of the Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission. With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Webb at approximately 5:05pm. A motion was made and properly seconded to accept the minute’s summary from the May 14, 2008 meeting with the following correction. Change CAC member “Mr. Lee A. Johnson to Ms. Lee A. Johnson”. Motion Passed. Next, Mr. Webb welcomed Ms. Yvonne Harvey to the meeting and the CAC motioned to approve the appointment of Ms. Harvey to the committee to fill the Disabled Transit User position. Motion passed. Next, there was no discussion on the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) update. Mr. Thomas stated that there were no new updates regarding the plan. The next item of business discussed was the adoption of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) amendments. Mr. Thomas presented the changes to the amendments and they are as follows: Sardis Church Road/I-75 Interchange: The construction amount increased from roughly 36 million to 44.1 million and the construction date moved from FY 08 to FY 09. State Route 87 and Weaver Road Improvements: The construction amount increased from roughly 5.8 million to 12.1 million and the construction date is in FY 08. A motion was made to approve both TIP amendments with the costs updated to a more realistic figure. Motion Passed. The next item of business discussed was Chairman Webb report from the Policy Committee meeting. Mr. Webb indicated that Mayor Reichert is the new chair of the committee. The CAC presented 11 motions to the Policy Committee. The motions were voted on individually and the majority of the motions failed. However, at the TCC meeting on June 18, 2008 the committee voted to approve a needs assessment on the South downtown connector project. However, Mr. Thomas indicated that GDOT (Georgia Department of Transportation) proposed a new methodology on how they will prioritize the projects. The methodology was set up in the form of a matrix that includes factors such as congestion, safety and a number of other criteria. In addition, the CAC recommended a traffic software modeling tool called, “Synchro” to assist the local MPO with better traffic data collecting and modeling. A motion was made by the CAC to recommend that whereas, the Columbus MPO requires the use of Synchro; whereas, over 1 million dollars have been saved in Macon at a traffic light due to the use of Synchro, and whereas, the City and County Government fund a license for “Synchro” to be used by the local MPO to assist in prioritizing transportation projects in Bibb County in order to enhance efficiency; improve cost control for the prioritization of transportation projects. Motion Passed. The next item of business discussed was the South Downtown Connector Project. Mayor Reichert suggested that the MATS committees revisit the South Downtown Connector project. Mr. Thomas stated that the project is not in the TIP and the funds were moved to the Houston Avenue project. There were several alignments regarding the SDC project: Telfair Street alignment; the Little Richard Penniman alignment; Edgewood Avenue alignment; and an alignment that traversed along the railroad. After considerable discussion and historical facts about the South Downtown Connector project, a motion was made that a needs & purpose process be reinstituted and that any plans reinstituted be coordinated with plans for the Hope VI Tindall Heights Redevelopment plan and to take into account the availability pedestrian walkways and public parking. Motion Passed. In addition, a motion was made that upon revisiting the South Downtown Connector project careful consideration should be given to the Telfair Street alignment. Motion Passed. Another motion was made that the Policy Committee request that GDOT hold a public open forum style meeting concerning the Environmental Assessment regarding the I-16/I-75 project, as soon as possible. Motion Passed. There was no old/unfinished business. Under new business, CAC members indicated that the MATS committee meeting agendas were not the same and that the opportunity for citizen’s comments should be placed at the beginning or end of the TCC and Policy committee meetings. A motion was made that the TCC and Policy committees add as a standing agenda item to include citizens comments at the beginning or end of their respective agendas and that all three MATS agendas be the same. Motion Passed. It was recommended that Policy Committee members introduce themselves at the beginning of the meeting or have a formal roll call. Ms. Long made an announcement that the Macon’s City Council Public Works and Engineering committee will hold a public meeting regarding the use of speed tables on residential streets in Macon, Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 6:00pm, City Council Chambers.
Being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:45 pm.
*Please Note: A recorded tape is available in the planning office for detail minutes from the June 18, 2008.
MATS Policy Committee meeting
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