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MATS Policy Meeting November 5, 2014 Audio of meeting - MP3 - 13MB Video of Mayor setting up - to gut the CAC ![]() |
COMMITTEE MEETING NOTICE Ken North Transportation Planner Macon-Bibb Co. Planning & Zoning Comm. 478 751-7462 |
PLACE: Bibb County Engineering Annex, 760 Third St., Macon, GA
--Roll Call – establishment of quorum --Approval of meeting agenda & minutes --Committee Reports -CAC -TCC --Public Input (5 min./person limit)
Agenda Items
1. Title VI Update – Review of Requirements 2. MATS By-Laws – Status of Revisions 3. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) FY 2016 – Draft document 4. Project Status Report – Presented by Georgia D.O.T. --Old Business --New Business --Adjournment |
Item: -Approval of meeting agenda & minutes |
Minutes --- ATTENDANCE LIST August 6, 2014
Those Attending / Representing1. Sarah Gerwig- Moore* Macon-Bibb Planning & Zoning Chairman 2. Lindsay Holliday CAC 3. James Webb* CAC Chairman 4. Robert Reichert* Mayor, Macon-Bibb County 5. Clinton Ford Georgia D.O.T. 6. Ken North Macon-Bibb Co. Planning & Zoning Comm. 7. Craig Ross* Chairman, Macon Transit Authority 8. Tom McQueen* Keith Golden, Georgia D.O.T. Commissioner 9. Morgan Simmons Georgia D.O.T. Planning Office 10. Frank Patterson* Kirby Godsey, Macon Water Authority Chairman 11. Michel Wanna Macon Water Authority 12. Mallory Jones* Macon-Bibb Co. Commission 13. Jack Reed Georgia D.O.T. 14. Al Tillman* Macon-Bibb Co. Commission 15. Greg Brown Macon-Bibb Co. Planning & Zoning Comm. 16. Tim Pitrowski Jones Co. Zoning Director 17. David Fortson Director, Macon-Bibb Engineering 18. Scotty Shepherd* Macon-Bibb Commission 19. Daylon Martin* Preston Hawkins, Jones Co. Commission Chairman 20. Jim Thomas Executive Director, Macon-Bibb P&Z Comm. 21. Krystal Harris Georgia D.O.T. 22. Rick Jones Director, Macon Transit Authority 23. Michael Ryan CAC 24.Vivian Delgodillo Georgia D.O.T. 25. Stella Tsai Citizen
*Voting Member
MATS Policy Committee Minutes August 6, 2014
A meeting of the MATS Policy Committee was held on August 6, 2014 at the Bibb Co. Engineering Annex. There were ten voting members present, thereby establishing a quorum. The minutes of the previous meeting and the agenda were both introduced and approved. Under Committee Reports, James Webb stated that he did not have a formal report but the CAC had a special called meeting last month to discuss the revisions to the MATS by-laws. Subsequently, Jim Thomas stated that at the previous TCC meeting, the draft TIP Update had been approved and the MATS by-laws had been discussed. In addition, he stated a subcommittee would be appointed to review a proposed bikeway system and the TIP project descriptions could not be revised to include more noise barriers along I-75. Under Public Input, Lindsay Holliday stated there was a problem with speeding in the construction zone on Forest Hill and there is improper speed enforcement. Subsequently, the current design for Forest Hill Rd. would only increase the traffic speed on this roadway. In regards to the TIP Update, he commented that the community at large has not endorsed the I-16/I-75 projects and the design is inappropriate. Furthermore, there should be traffic calming on Forest Hill Rd. as well as design changes including restriping and roundabouts. In addition, there should be a joint use of runways between the Macon Airport and Robins AFB to promote cost savings. Finally, there should be a bikeway network to promote connectivity and bikeway projects should not be removed from the TIP. Michael Ryan also stated that the proposed MATS By-Laws and MOU will result in the CAC being turned over to political interests and this will not be representative of the community. The first item on the agenda was the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Jim Thomas discussed the amendments to the TIP for FY 2014-17. The first revision to the current TIP was an administrative modification for the Sardis Church Rd. extension which had been moved up to FY 2015. Mayor Reichert stated that this project had been delayed due to utility relocation issues but Georgia Power had agreed to help cover the cost for this project. He also stated this project would improve connectivity and provide better access to the airport. James Webb inquired if a cost/benefit analysis had been done for this project. Tom McQueen stated that an analysis had not been done and the priority for projects is listed in the LRTP. The next revision to the current TIP was an amendment to add a new transit maintenance facility for FY 2015. The funding for the purchase of the site and the renovations for the transit facility were presented. Subsequently, a motion was made to approve the revisions to the current TIP which was approved by the Policy Committee except for James Webb who opposed it. Jim Thomas also discussed the TIP Update for FY 2015-18 and stated that the appendix had been revised to include all the projects in the LRTP. He also presented the major revisions to the road projects. He reviewed the Jeffersonville Rd. projects which had been moved back in terms of the future construction date. Also discussed were Phase I and Phase II of the I-16/I-75 interchange project which were new items that were included in the TIP update. In regards to the Jeffersonville Rd. projects, Jack Reed of Georgia D.O.T. stated the project delay had been caused by issues regarding the right of way purchase and soft costs. Al Tillman had some concerns in regards to the delay for the Jeffersonville Rd. projects since they were originally part of the SPLOST in 1994. Mayor Reichert stated there have been changes in cost figures and contract agreements with GDOT that have caused the project delays. In addition, David Fortson stated there were environmental issues involved that have also resulted in delays. After some discussion, a motion was made by Craig Ross and seconded by Al Tillman to adopt the draft TIP that was approved by the Policy Committee members except for James Webb who opposed the motion. James Webb also commented that the CAC did not approve the draft TIP Update because it did not make sense to push the Jeffersonville Rd. projects back while moving the Sardis Church Rd. extension up. The Mayor then stated that this process is dependent on which projects are ready for construction. Subsequently, Mallory Jones inquired about how projects are approved to be in the TIP. Jim Thomas stated that this is done through the MATS process which the Policy Committee is a part of. In addition, there will be a public review period for the TIP Update in which comments can be made regarding the document. The next item discussed on the agenda was the MATS By-Laws. Jim Thomas presented the new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and revisions to the by-laws for each of the MATS Committees. The membership and the proxy requirements for the Policy Committee were reviewed. James Webb remarked that the Macon-Bibb Commissioners on the Policy Committee should include the heads of the various committees as stated in the original by-laws. Mayor Reichert replied that the Macon-Bibb Commission has a new committee structure but the committees were currently represented on the MATS Policy Committee. Al Tilman also stated that the CAC should be given a list of the new committees and the Policy Committee isn’t large enough to accommodate all the committee heads. After further discussion, a motion was made by James Webb and seconded by Daylon Martin to revise the proposed by-laws to include the heads of the various committees as members. Subsequently, the motion was voted on by the Policy members but the motion failed to pass. Daylon Martin then inquired how the Macon Bibb Commissioners were appointed to the Policy Committee to which Al Tillman responded that the current administration was responsible for the appointments. Mallory Jones then added that the by-laws should not dictate to each county how their membership is appointed. The amended MATS By-Laws for the TCC were also reviewed. For the membership of the TCC, a motion was made by James Webb and seconded by Daylon Martin to include the CAC Chairman as a voting member. However, the motion failed to pass when it was voted on. The revisions to the CAC by-laws were also discussed and it was stated there would be a total of 21 positions and 12 of these members would be appointed by government bodies. James Webb had some concerns about the 12 appointed members because they may not have any interest in transportation issues. He stated that the CAC should be more inclusive and contain more neighborhood organizations. In addition, the CAC should be able to communicate with the community in a better manner and become an effective organization. Subsequently, he then stated that the CAC should come up with a revised set of by-laws with the input of the Policy Committee. David Fortson then stated that he had some concerns about the term limits in the CAC by-laws because the wording was unclear and would still allow for someone to serve in perpetuity. Mayor Reichert stated that the Policy Committee would not vote on the by-laws until the next meeting. The project status report was presented by Jack Reed from Georgia D.O.T. Mr. Reed gave an update on the road projects. In particular, he stated that the construction date for the Sardis Church Rd. extension had been moved up to FY 2015. Also, for the Jeffersonville Rd. projects, a notice to proceed with the right-of-way acquisition had been issued. Lindsay Holliday asked about the delay on the Ocmulgee Heritage Trail project. Jack Reed replied there were some utility issues involved in this project. In addition, Mayor Reichert also commented the railroad wanted an indemnification agreement before the project could proceed. Under Old Business, it was stated that the Bikeway system and Noise Barriers on I-75 had already been discussed. However, James Webb asked about the status of the reevaluation of the lower section of the Forest Hill Rd. project. It was stated that a preliminary report was being circulated at Georgia D.O.T. and Tom Underwood would check on this matter. Being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
MATS - Policy -
Committee |
MATS Committee
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From NYT - February 14, 2011, 10:30 am To Get America Growing Again, It’s Time to Unleash Our Cities: A Guest Post by Ed Glaeser By STEPHEN J. DUBNER Stop subsidizing suburbs. We don’t need housing and highway policies that push people away from our productive cities. Brown economist Nathaniel Baum-Snow found that every new highway built into a city reduced that city’s population by 18 percent. Our pro-homeownership policies, including the financial fiascos of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, implicitly push people out of urban apartments into suburban homes. The great housing bust reminds us that the government shouldn’t be bribing people with the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction to bet everything on the swings of the housing market. |
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Holliday Dental Associates 360 Spring Street Macon, GA 31201 |
office 478-746-5695 home 478-742-8699 Thank-You... |