Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2010New Bibb courthouse sketch unveiled- mstucka@macon.com![]() BTBB and Cooper Carry/Special to The Telegraph An aerial view of the proposed plan for the new Bibb County Courthouse complex on Mulberry Street between First Street and Second Street |
the current building, Bibb County’s next courthouse could sport a
dome. There, in a sense, the similarities end, because the planned
Mulberry Street building would feature more glass, more columns and a
wide, curved entranceway, plans revealed Monday show. Of course, such a building wouldn’t come cheap. County Commission Chairman Sam Hart said he hopes the county will benefit from a sales-tax vote July 20. That’s when taxpayers could agree to put $83 million of a proposed $183 million package toward the new courthouse. The county is under a judicial order to improve court facilities. Judges say the existing facility is crowded, unsafe and generally unsuitable, although they did not explicitly rule out renovations. Hart said Monday that the county’s “Plan A” is to build the courthouse with money from a special purpose local option sales tax. Plan B is hazily defined as a turn to bonds, which would add more to county taxpayers’ burdens. While much of the sales tax money would be paid by shoppers and other visitors from outside Bibb County, Bibb County residents would pay all the costs from bonds. “At this point in time, I don’t think we could build a courthouse without a Plan A,” Hart said. Much of Monday’s talk before a meeting of three Rotary clubs described the general plans for the sales tax vote and the courthouse, which would be a four-story structure beside the Grand Opera House on Mulberry Street, running alongside First Street. But the architectural renderings shown Monday were new. They show how Mulberry Street could be widened as parking spaces on the sides of the street were replaced with a parking garage behind the new courthouse. Like the current courthouse, it would be constructed largely of red brick. But some windows would span two or even three stories of the building. In the current courthouse, many of the tall windows have been sliced in two by drop ceilings that obscure much of their splendor. Some smaller windows had been completely covered up until the ongoing renovation project, which is replacing them. Under the county’s sales tax plan, the existing building would get a partial renovation that would bring county offices together. There would be room for the consolidation of some city offices as well. Separately, a much smaller Juvenile Court facility would be built facing Oglethorpe Street, between the county jail on Second Street and the Department of Family and Children Services office on Third Street. To contact writer Mike Stucka, call 744-4251 |
Doc wrote on 01/13/2010 06:14:11 AM: I would like to see more pedestrian amenities - such as porticoes. We need a drawing of "how Mulberry Street could be widened". Maybe the architects can post a link to more images? Thank-you. BookMan wrote on 01/12/2010 05:19:53 PM: I will have to say this, "there are some very smart people making comments on the Taj Mahal that is to be built in Macon." I agree with Carbon Unit, Sue, and MaconBacon. I don't really have a problem with most of the design however I am having a problem with the construction of the dome IF it serves no purpose other than "it looks good and is the type of architecture we want to perserve the look(s) of downtown Macon. Another question, "Charles, what do you think of these suggestions?" Charles never writes of course under his real name but he could answer some of these concerns. OK Charles, what say you? Sue wrote on 01/12/2010 04:43:06 PM: evneeser: "That is not the look of the town I want to live in." Then move to Atlanta. You'll have plenty of domes to look at. Updating the facilities does not mean making a beautiful outside and an uncomfortable inside. The Macon thugs will take care of "beautifying" it for you. It'll be destroyed inside and out within a year. BookMan wrote on 01/12/2010 02:44:52 PM: I was only asking why the dome if it is only for looks. If there is some use to it then okay but just so that it can "add to the skyline for centuries" do not make much fiscal sense to me. I think we all know that the county was told to improve the facilities but at what costs to the taxpayers especially if it is for non-essential space. And by the way, none of these monuments will be around for centuries to come, none. smarter wrote on 01/12/2010 10:47:32 AM: The more this costs the more the architects make. They get a percentage. I agree with joeblow - wait. The county commissioners just want their name on the building. The commissioners didn't pay for the building. I guess all of the elected officials will have their names on the plaque - tax commissioner, judges, etc. This is just another palace to make them all feel good about their roles in society even though they let Macon's thugs back on the streets evneeser wrote on 01/12/2010 10:43:59 AM: @BookMan: "They show how Mulberry Street could be widened as parking spaces on the sides of the street were replaced with a parking garage behind the new courthouse." The dome will create an aesthete that will be a part of a historic downtown skyline for centuries. Your proposal for functionality would mean a bunch of square/rectangle gray cement block buildings. That is not the look of the town I want to live in. josephstevenblow wrote on 01/12/2010 10:16:44 AM: If the commissioners wait about a year they will be able to get the Music and Sports Hall of Fame buildings totally free of charge. BookMan wrote on 01/12/2010 09:59:48 AM: About the only question I have is, "what purpose will a dome serve on the county courthouse?" Will the dome house offices or will it be just for the looks? If only for looks then it is a waste of taxpayer's money, if it is functional then go with it. And, widen Mulberry Street? How would they do that, take out the beautiful parks in the median? NO WAY! evneeser wrote on 01/12/2010 09:32:48 AM: Building better looking, and longer lasting buildings will pay off for hundreds of years. I think the new building sketch looks good and includes a nice mix of historic appeal and a much more modern appearance. It should be another gem for our already beautiful downtown. Sue wrote on 01/12/2010 09:14:40 AM: This is a place of business. Go for comfort of the employees/visitors, and for functionality not for looks. It's not like this is a residence that has to keep up with the Jones'. notetorlp wrote on 01/12/2010 08:53:56 AM: The drawing of the new proposed building does look good. However, let's hope "if" it is built they have enough space for future expansions and not have to build more and more "ratty" looking extensions. That would defeat the entire purpose. Elvin wrote on 01/12/2010 08:50:46 AM: New schools, new courthouse, anything to keep the Bibb County portion at 3%. It wouldn't be right to allow the citizens to enjoy a lower sales tax percentage now would it? youknowit wrote on 01/12/2010 07:22:56 AM: I think we should foot the entire $183 million with a tax increase, we have plenty!! |