Danny Gilleland/The Macon Telegraph

The Flood of '94 completely closed Interstate 16, and very nearly covered the span of the Spring Street bridge in downtown Macon.

Rising from the waters

It is an emblem of the renewal that arose from the greatest disaster in state history. Built atop a Jones County hill where American Indians once buried their dead, there is a $125 million miracle that only a flood could deliver. It is a water plant, soon to replace the Macon one drowned by the Great Flood of 94.

Within the flash of a flood two families fell; years later, one emerged
AMERICUS - John Alton Hurley Jr. and Carolyn Hawkins know water has power - a force that can take away your spouse, your children and your last trace of hope. They know, too, that it has the power to give those things back. From disaster a baby was born.


July 3, 1994
Alberto moves ashore at Destin, Fla., with sustained winds of 60 mph, gusts to 66 mph, sending thousands of holiday tourists home but leaving little damage in its wake.

Heavy rains, up to 10 inches, are forecast for the Florida panhandle, south Alabama and Georgia with a chance of tornadoes and flash floods. Rain drowns out holiday fireworks in several communities as the storm moves northeast.

July 4, 1994
Alberto stalls over south Alabama and south and Middle Georgia, dumping torrents of rain in a crescent-shaped area. In Atlanta, 50,000 runners in the annual Peachtree Road Race are soaked. Heavy rains are forecast for another day, bringing record precipitation.

Coming this week

Deluge: Wake of the '94 Flood Archives
 July 4  July 5  July 6  July 7  July 8  July 9  July 10  July 11

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