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Vote-Count Solutions
in Georgia and the
Some Solutions are described here using: OTC - Over The Counter - Hardware and "open-source" Software programs |
Working on the Solutions: University Voting Systems Competition The Punch Scan System Other Organizations are Confronting the Problem Head-On with Necessary Litigation: Defenders of Democracy |
One solution born in Macon shows how Georgia can use the Diebold-"Lemons System" to produce a high quality Lemonade Voter-verified, permanent paper record (pictured below) with a manual audit capacity as a safeguard against computer malfunction or deliberate software fraud. Below shows how to modify the existing DRE Diebold system. Also shown are the tools to create a better system from scratch. |
Sample hardware to produce a DRE voting machine that also creates a voter-verified paper record:
These cheap laptops have UPS - Uninteruptable Power Supply built in. They have more than enough power.
This $228 printer is very robust.
This $399 Touch-Screen Monitor is better than the current one used in Georgia.
We need a quick and
effective remedy...
Please call your Representative and Senators. Ask for them to support Federal Legislation to fix the problem.
Please notice the paper printer that is located in each Diebold machine . The printer is usually hidden under a Locked Panel that is visible here sitting behind the computer case. The printer cover panel is uncovered during testing procedures and after voting is over. If the plastic panel had a small slit opening, it could easily spit-out a paper receipt for each and every vote. Below is an example of verified-paper-ballot the machine can produce if using modified software: Place your verified paper ballot in the Ballot Box. This becomes the official record of your vote regardless of what the computer may output. Any manual recount of the paper ballots takes precedence over the machine counts. The paper trail is the legal and official vote. |
Dear Fellow Americans, I am one among many who have no confidence in the way that DRE Diebold electronic voting machines are used in Georgia. Did your vote count in the last election? The fact is that you don't know. The actual count will remain forever unknown because a meaningful audit is not possible without a voter-verified paper ballot trail. Diebold and the Georgia Secretary of State have decided to inactivate the paper printers during your vote. And the printout port is covered with a locked plastic panel until all voting is over. The Diebold "faith based voting" system asks that we trust secret software and corporate impartiality. Faith based voting? Trust? Trust has no place in competitive elections. Please call your Representative and Senators. Ask for them to support Federal Legislation to fix the problem. Sincerely, - Lindsay D
Holliday Macon, Ga December 2004, and 12-24-06 |
Friday, December 29, 2006 8:53 AM
Voting technology - open solutions are needed + Photo-Voter-Id - free
and universal.
*Georgia Senator Staton* Cecil, The existing Diebold technology used in Georgia can use a webcam mounted on the voting machines to provide a "universal and free" instant Photo-Voter-ID. Just like used at the Instant-Teller-Money-Machines that are also made by Diebold... Simple, effective and fair to both sides. Thank you for your consideration, - Lindsay - blind copies to activists Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 08:41:11 -0500 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lindsay D. Holliday, DMD (h) (478) 742-8699 3091 Ridge Ave. 31204 office 746-5695 360 Spring Street Macon, GA 31201 cell 361-9526 is usually off |
Lindsay 'Doc' Holliday | ||
Holliday Dental Associates 360 Spring Street Macon, GA 31201 |
office 478-746-5695 home 478-742-8699