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    Macon Council Resolutions..  

   Macon Telegraph article 3-19-08

Resolution asking Bibb County to hand over any document that shows where the City might have given up oversight of Forest Hill Road  - - passed and signed by Mayor and Council (here

Resolution asking the RIP - Roads Improvement Program - Executive Committee to call a meeting to update the Mayor on Forest Hill Road and other projects. (page-1  and page-2 )
Posted on Wed, Mar. 19, 2008

Forest Hill Road

Macon tries to reassert itself on roadwork

By Matt Barnwell -

Macon City Council on Tuesday approved a pair of resolutions that seek to reassert the city's role in the ongoing debate about widening Forest Hill Road.

The council is asking that executive committee meetings of the Macon-Bibb County Road Improvement Program be reconvened to bring Mayor Robert Reichert and council members up to date on street improvement projects such as Forest Hill.

The executive committee, which has not met in some time, includes various senior officials from both the city and the county.

"I think the whole point from day one ... was to say we're concerned about the direction the (Forest Hill Road) project was headed in, about how it might impact other projects in the city limits," said Councilwoman Lauren Benedict, one of the sponsors of the resolution.

The idea is to bring more people to the table to affect Forest Hill Road decisions, Benedict said, and to create more formal channels to express concerns. A copy of the city resolution also will be delivered to the local state legislative delegation.

The state Department of Transportation currently has oversight of the road, with the intention of turning it over to local authorities to maintain once work is completed.

During the years, residents who live along Forest Hill Road have been rather vocal in their opposition to the expansion plan, which calls for a multi-lane road they say is too large for their neighborhood. Local and state officials have said there is not enough money to revise the design to meet residents' preferences.

"Our hope is that this can help move things toward a resolution that's beneficial to all parties," said Councilman Tom Ellington, another sponsor of Tuesday's legislation.

The roads program was created through an agreement between Bibb County Commissioners and engineering firm Moreland Altobelli Associates Inc., following a 1994 SPLOST that was approved to fund Forest Hill Road and several other transportation-related projects. It has been managed by Moreland Altobelli.

The resolution the council passed Tuesday says Macon has informally allowed the road improvement program to guide projects inside the city. Benedict says the County Commission has taken too much control of a process that the program's executive committee should be driving.

The resolution replaces a previous attempt by council members to require all road improvement projects inside Macon be approved by the city. Reichert vetoed that effort, but administration officials said he is OK with what was passed Tuesday. Council members said they spent the day working on language that was agreeable to him.

"The mayor wants to get as much information (about the project) as possible," said Andrew Blascovich, Reichert's director for external affairs.

A second resolution calls for Bibb County Commissioners to produce proof that the city previously surrendered to them control over the development of Forest Hill Road. Some county officials have argued that Macon legislated away its power over the road years ago.

Councilman Rick Hutto, who helped sponsor that second resolution, said a thorough search of city records has turned up nothing to suggest that. City officials wonder what the county might have, he said.

"I thought that if we asked them nicely ... then perhaps they would give it to us," Hutto said.

To contact writer Matt Barnwell, call 744-4251.

This project was decided TEN YEARS AGO! Stop playing politics with it. Get on with the plan. The SPLOST has been collected and voters approved it because this project was promised as a part of it. Elected officials: If you EVER want another SPLOST to pass in Bibb County, you had better not backpedal on this promise, just because a few well-connected North Maconites have flexed their political muscle.
Posted by: carpediem
3/19/2008 7:53 AM

Actually, carpediem, it was decided on December 20th, 1983, when Mayor George Israel signed an agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation: "Local Government Project Agreement, M3213(1)Bibb County, Forest Hill Road - From Overlook Avenue northerly to Wimbish Road. (1.2 miles) Proposed widening and reconstruction." You are right, though, it was on the table ten yrs ago.

Posted by:
3/19/2008 12:07 PM

For the love of pete, just get on with it. If that road needed improving fifteen years ago it certainly needs it now! Macon is notorious at back peddling and spinning wheels. Why do you think that we are shrinking up to nothing?
The first day I moved here in 1969 a so called Maconite informed me that he didn't care if Macon every grew in population or business and that all other Maconites felt the same. He also said that if I lived here the rest of my life I's never be considered a Maconite. Damned if he wasn't right.
Since I have hopes of seeing Macon come into the 21st century I guess I'll always be in the minority. It takes 15 years to move ahead on paving a road and it's still being debated?
Get a grip Macon before this town dries up.

Posted by: notamaconnative
3/19/2008 1:08 PM

They still haven't provided the citizens with a readable plan. There's no way anyone could have recognized ten years ago the end result would be a five lane highway through a family neighborhood. It's those kinds of poor decisions that are running people out to the county.

Posted by: PATTON
3/19/2008 4:05 PM

This is typical Macon politics. Hutto and his cronies for some reason can't find The local government project agreement #M3213[1] with Bibb.Maybe it is because it doesn't fit his needs? Indeed!!!If the citizens of Macon want to fix the mess we have,do away with ALL FORMS OF CITY GOV. Then we will consolidate and let the people that are running the county try to fix this mess.This will never happen because those in power WILL NOT GIVE IT UP! City be damned before they would give it up.We do not need a mayor,we need a city/county MANAGER that is TRAINED IN THAT PROFESSION! We have enough commisioners so we could save all the perks the council are burning up now by sending them home.This is the answer! Like I said ,it will never happen because the council will NEVER ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN. IT IS ALL ABOUT POWER,and CONTROL.Macon is not the home town I grew up in. Between Ellis getting us all in the National news with his bull and council members airing their dirty laundry in public I am ashamed to say I am from Macon.This is so so sad.....................

Posted by: dmose1
3/19/2008 4:25 PM

Good work Council, thanks!

Posted by: NeighborsWatching
3/19/2008 6:01 PM

Careful, Cautious and Appropriate Resolutions. The Forest Hill Neighbors really wanted something stronger right away, but most understand that to properly smoke out the (Bibb County) hams, it will take a long and slowly built cure.
Mediation notes here:

Posted by: Doc
3/19/2008 6:55 PM

Thanks, City Council!!

Posted by: schoolmarm
3/19/2008 8:31 PM

Re: Ima Thinkin'- whooops!- I mean Robert........
"Local Government Project Agreement, M3213(1)Bibb County, Forest Hill Road - From Overlook Avenue northerly to Wimbish Road. (1.2 miles) Proposed widening and reconstruction."
As usual politicians should stay out of the business of influencing, designing or building roads. The actual measured mileage from Overlook to Wimbish Road is .4 miles, not 1.2 as you and Georgia DOT measure it. I fail to see how anything that comprises less than 8% of a project gives authority to the whole. Forest Hill Road is a neighborhood collector road and should be classified as such. GaDOT only got TEMORARY designation of FHR as a state road through a letter signed by C. Jack Ellis a few years ago. Of course, the city doesn't have to take it back. If they do, then they will encumber the city and its taxpayers with all the LEGAL liability of drainage problems, accidents and injuries, increased road maintenance, etc. all of which have been well documented for the record. Why would our city fathers allow this poorly and over-designed project by former GaDOT employees who don't know (and don't want to know) anything about modern urban transportation planning and design, allow this project to become a reality?

Posted by: settingtherecordstraight
3/21/2008 10:07 AM



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