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Request for Injunction

    Request for Injunction [scanned] Filed  in Bibb Superior Court Clerk's office, assigned to Judge Ennis  on  December 14, 2012

(3) Letters showing numerous good-faith efforts of citizens to resolve road design (safety and environmental) issues with officials:

  -(a) Gerald Ross, GDOT Chief Engineer (scan) 2011

  -(b) Mrs B. Perry, GDOT Attorney (scan of emails) June and July 2012

  -(c) Clinton Ford, GDOT Project Manager (emails) in December 2012

Text of the Complaint.

Filed in Clerk's Office 2012 Dec 14, PM 3:22, 


Lindsay D Holliday
Georgia Department of Transportation  (GDOT) Project Engineer, Clinton Ford, PE.; et al.

Civil Action No.__12CV 58472 __


Plaintiff files this Complaint and shows the following:

Defendants are residents and/or state employees of Georgia and are subject to the jurisdiction of this Court.

Irreparable and immediate harm will occur if tree cutting proceeds following GDOT letting contracts for a particularly controversial design for a road project (Forest Hill Road - GDOT-projects: STP-3213(1,3)/BRMLB-3213(5), Bibb County. P.I.No. 350520 & 351130/351135)

Plaintiff requests a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) to remain in effect until a hearing on a further request for a Permanent Injunction can be held.  GDOT's plan, if implemented, would result in an Unsafe road (hazard to public safety), negative impact to a U.S. waterway (several perennial streams flow across the FHR right of way.  Unrestrained and unfiltered stormwater runoff/oils/silt/etc will negatively impact these streams.  Plaintiff can establish, if given an opportunity to do so at a full hearing, an expertly produced alternative plan for this road project and  EXPERT opinion of the safety and environmental consequences of GDOT's highly controversial plan.  Safety and environmental issues, if proven and existing, would violate state and federal law and best management practices of various governmental agencies. Experts from the Macon-Bibb Tree Commission have produced several years of letters to the roads officials warning of extreme harm to the community if the canopy is unnecessarily decimated as planned by GDOT. Technical articles from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, and experts from the AARP will corroborate the road safety issues.  GDOT will confirm, if asked, that recent changes to GDOT design policies would favor changing the intersection designs and the pedestrian and biking amenities.   Soil and Water Conservation officials share deep concern about the environmental impacts of the design of this project.  The methodology used by GDOT to project traffic volumes to justify this particular road design is so arbitrary and capricious that the Macon Telegraph editors labeled the process "the stuff of Harry Houdini" meaning magic, trickery.

As shown from the facts contained herein,unless defendant is immediately restrained from letting contracts for this road project, plaintiff (and the public) will suffer immediate and irreparable injury, in that the local environment will take generations to reproduce the tree canopy once it is destroyed.

Attached hereto are letters showing a sampling of numerous efforts the Plaintiff has made to attempt to resolve these issues with the Defendants. 

WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays for the following:
(a) That the Court issue a temporary restraining order prohibiting GDOT from [letting contracts for this road project] ;
(b) That the Court set down at the earliest possible time a hearing on an interlocutory injunction in this cause;
(c) That upon said hearing in this cause that the Court issue an interlocutory injunction prohibiting defendant from [letting contracts for this road project]
(d) That upon a final hearing in this cause, that said interlocutory injunction be made permanent;
(e) That this road project be redesigned with the latest safety and environmental features allowed under FHWA guidelines;
(f) That during the redesign process, which might last a few months according to the EXPERT, the road be repaved ASAP for the safety of the driving public, and left turn lanes added to help alleviate public frustration from unnecessary traffic delays at the intersections of Forest Hill Road with Ridge Avenue and with Wimbish Road.  

Lindsay D Holliday, pro se
3091 Ridge Avenue
Macon, GA 31204


Personally appeared before me an officer duly authorized to administer oaths came Lindsay D Holliday who states under oath that he is the plaintiff named in the above and foregoing Complaint and that the facts contained within said complaint are true and correct. 


Sworn to and subscribed before me this ____ day of December, 2012.

Notary Public

(a) Ross emails

Letter to Mr Ross re redesign possibilities

(b) Perry emails:
From: "Perry, Brigetta" <bperry@dot.ga.gov>
To: 'Holliday Dental' <teeth@mindspring.com>
CC: "Ford, Clinton" <cford@dot.ga.gov>, "Cole, Jim" <jcole@dot.ga.gov>,
        "Cole_JM@Mercer.edu" <Cole_JM@Mercer.edu>, "Ross, Gerald" <gross@dot.ga.gov>,
        "Thompson, Kenneth" <kethompson@dot.ga.gov>, "Chris@clarksmithlaw.com"
        <Chris@clarksmithlaw.com>, "cruffin@bakerdonelson.com"
        <cruffin@bakerdonelson.com>, Ivy Cadle <icadle@bakerdonelson.com>, "Alan P
 Taylor" <laelth@gmail.com>, "Jarome@thegalawfirm.com"
        <Jarome@thegalawfirm.com>, "Brian@thegalawfirm.com" <Brian@thegalawfirm.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 15:14
Subject: RE: Open Records Request - Forest Hill Road - GDOT-projects:

Good Afternoon Dr. Holliday,
I am in receipt of your email regarding the above project.  Since this is a general inquiry and not and open records request, I am forwarding this on to Mr. Clinton Ford for his response.
If you have any questions, you may contact Mr. Ford at 678-343-0929 or cford@dot.ga.gov.
Brigetta 'Britt' Perry
From: Holliday Dental [ mailto:teeth@mindspring.com]
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 12:17 PM
To: Perry, Brigetta
Cc: Ford, Clinton; Cole, Jim; Cole_JM@Mercer.edu; Ross, Gerald; Thompson, Kenneth; Chris@clarksmithlaw.com; cruffin@bakerdonelson.com; Ivy Cadle; Alan P Taylor; Jarome@thegalawfirm.com; Brian@thegalawfirm.com
Subject: RE: Open Records Request - Forest Hill Road - GDOT-projects: STP-3213(1,3)/BRMLB-3213(5),
Dear Ms. Perry,
We understand that the bid has been delayed.
Please inform us to the date GDOT plans to advertise this project.
- Lindsay Holliday

At 12:43 PM 8/20/2012, you wrote:

Dear Dr. Holliday,
I apologize for the delay.  I have been out of the office on vacation.  Mr. Clinton Ford has provided the following responses to your questions.
Yes files posted appears to be files provided
The project will be let October 19, 2012
The project will be advertised on September 21, 2012
Brigetta 'Britt' Perry

From: Holliday Dental [ mailto:teeth@mindspring.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 7:14 PM
To: Perry, Brigetta
Cc: Ford, Clinton; Cole, Jim; Cole_JM@Mercer.edu; Ross, Gerald; Chris@clarksmithlaw.com; cruffin@bakerdonelson.com; Ivy Cadle; Alan P Taylor
Subject: Re: Open Records Request - Forest Hill Road - GDOT-projects: STP-3213(1,3)/BRMLB-3213(5),
Dear Ms Perry,

Do you need extra time to answer the ORR request below?

We need confirmation of the contents of the package that GDOT mailed to us.

- Lindsay Holliday 

Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2012 17:14
To: "Perry, Brigetta" <bperry@dot.ga.gov>
From: Holliday Dental <teeth@mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: Open Records Request - Forest Hill Road - GDOT-projects:
Cc: "Ford, Clinton" <cford@dot.ga.gov>,Jim Cole <jcole@dot.ga.gov>,
  Cole_JM@Mercer.edu,"Ross, Gerald" <gross@dot.ga.gov>,
 Bibb County - New Commission District #3 - Gary Bechtel <laurabechtel@cox.net>

Dear Ms. Perry
We have received the CD by US Post on 7-12-12.  It appeared to only contain one (160MB, LARGE) file.  We have posted this file on the Internet here:


Please confirm that the Internet posted file is the same file you sent us.
The size of the file is approx 160MB.  Its format is Adobe PDF.  It contains approx 684 pages of FHR (Forest Hill Road) technical plan drawings and measurements and real estate plats, storm sewage, landscape, irrigation, utilities plans.  Most pages are credited to STANTEC; some other pages are credited to Moreland Altobelli, T LAKE and TECHNICON.  The last section is GDOT standard specifications.


We do not see a date when GDOT plans to let these project out for bid.  Has this project already been promised to a construction firm?  If not, when will this project be advertised for competitive bidding? 

- Lindsay Holliday

Random Notes about the GDOT planning document: 

page 5/684 see note#11 concerning parcel #41 where the driveway is to be saw cut to avoid further trespass
--trees in ROW must be placed 14' from roadway curb and 20' from overhead power lines.
page 6 Eligible Historical resource beginning sta42+16 and ending at sta46+90 contractor-to-engineer-to-Environ Services for resolutions re stream buffer variance required at 45+26 to 46+60
p7 shows only one sidewalk for typical section sta13-15
p35 Traffic analysis by MA Moreland
p373 Electric service pole is moved..?
p406 TECHNICON Lighting Plans
p430 Signs and Striping Plans
-p453 Traffic Signalization by Moreland Altobelli
-p458 T LAKE  Landscape Plans , Existing trees and replacements
- 496 """""  Irrigation Plans
-p519  STANTEC retaining walls
- 521  MAAI  - Culvert Plans
-549 Erosion/Sedimentation Plan and Comprehensive Monitoring Plan , FEDERAL AID PROJECT missing a signature
- 578 Erosion Plans ?
- 617 Monitoring Locations on Creeks for Siltation
-618-to-End is GDOT building specs and standards

 7/6/2012, Perry, Brigetta wrote:

Dear Dr. Holliday,
            Re:  Forest Hill Road
                    Project No. STP-3213(1,3)/BRMLB-3212(5)
Please accept our apology for the delay in responding to your open records request.  The Department takes seriously its commitment to timely responses to all requests for public records.  In response to your request I have been advised that documents responsive to your request will be available Monday, July 9, 2012.  Due to the large volume of records it will be necessary to make them available on a CD.  I will mail the responsive records by close of business Monday, July 9, 2012.
The Georgia Open Records Act, (O.C.G.A. §50-18-70, et seq.) offers the right to inspect documents and then obtain copies, if the requestor so desires, by paying administrative and copying charges provided in the Act. Section §50-18-71.2 of the Act provides that you will be charged for the cost of services associated with the search, retrieval, transport and other direct administrative services incurred in complying with your request at the rate of $11.60 per hour (excluding the first quarter hour) and $0.10 per page. 

Other than making the documents available for inspection and copying, the Department is not required to create records in order to comply with your request, or to compile lists or other information from records. In addition, the Department is not required to gather records from other governments or government agencies or to gather documents from private entities which belong to those entities and which are not records in the possession of the Department. 
In order to respond to your request, it may be necessary for the Department to determine if the records requested fall within the exceptions from disclosure set forth in O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72, or are otherwise exempted from disclosure by law or court order.  For example, the Department is not required to make available to you records protected by the attorney-client privilege or attorney's work product privilege O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(e). To the extent the records are exempt from disclosure or contain such protected information, the records or protected portions thereof will not be made available.  It may be necessary for the Department to consult the State Law Department in this regard.
Brigetta 'Britt' Perry

From: Holliday Dental [ mailto:teeth@mindspring.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 4:20 PM
To: Perry, Brigetta
Subject: Open Records Request - Forest Hill Road - GDOT-projects: STP-3213(1,3)/BRMLB-3213(5),
Dear Ms Perry,
Do you have a response ready for us?
- Lindsay Holliday
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 10:57:33 -0400
To: "Perry, Brigetta" <bperry@dot.ga.gov>,
 "Ford, Clinton" <cford@dot.ga.gov>,Jim Cole <jcole@dot.ga.gov>,
  Cole_JM@Mercer.edu,"Ross, Gerald" <gross@dot.ga.gov>
From: Holliday Dental <teeth@mindspring.com>
Subject: Open Records Request - Forest Hill Road - GDOT-projects:

Dear Sirs:

The Forest Hill Road (FHR) Mediation Team is continuing to strive to reach a reasonable Compromise Plan for the FHR Project which would save GDOT money and time, and be more efficient, safe and acceptable to the public sentiment as expressed and documented in hundreds of written comments. 

Should our efforts fail, we plan to file [for] an injunction against the bid-letting of this project. 

Please provide us with GDOT's most recent, documented, bid-let-date plans for the FHR Project.

- Lindsay Holliday
for the FHR Mediation Team

(c) Ford letter:

Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2012 07:23
To: "Ford, Clinton" <cford@dot.ga.gov>,
 "Cole, Jim" <jcole@dot.ga.gov>,
 "Ross, Gerald" <gross@dot.ga.gov>, <Rodney.Barry@dot.gov>, <Steve.Luxenberg@dot.gov>
From: Holliday Dental <teeth@mindspring.com>
Subject: RE: Please Respond -- Re: (Forest Hill Road)
Cc: "Rice-Singleton, Genetha" <grice-singleton@dot.ga.gov>,
 "Alice Boyd" <dmbx1@cox.net>,Carol Lystlund <clyst@att.net>,
 "Susan Hanberry Martin" <Susan.Hanberry@stratford.org>,
 "Dan Fischer" <Fischer_DP@mercer.EDU>,

Mr. Ford,
We saw legal advertisements in the Macon Telegraph last Saturday that show ROW ownership uncertainties that GDOT is attempting to clarify.  Are these properties (addresses not listed in the advertisement) related to the Forest Hill Road project?  Since (60) days notice is given in these advertisements, would it not be prudent for GDOT to await the resolution of property ownership before awarding bids for this project? 

Please let us know if GDOT plans to press forward and award bids on December 14th as mentioned in the email below.  Because, if this is the case, I will file on that same day a Complaint for Injunction and Temporary Restraining Order in Bibb County Superior Court.

- Lindsay Holliday
FHR Mediation Team

At 10:18 AM 11/28/2012, Ford, Clinton wrote:
Dr. Holliday,
A survey for relict trillium, fringed campion, or Ocmulgee skullcap was performed in 2011.  The consultants had a biologist from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, accompany them on the survey, and it was determined that there is not habitat for any of these species in the project footprint.  Additionally, the below article does not reference the Forest Hill Rd project area, the only referenced location denoted is a wooded area off of Vineville Avenue.
The noted project is scheduled for letting to construction on December 14, 2012. 
Thanks Clinton
From: Holliday Dental [ mailto:teeth@mindspring.com]
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 9:57 AM
To: Ford, Clinton; Cole, Jim; Cole_JM@Mercer.edu; Ross, Gerald; Rodney.Barry@dot.gov; Steve.Luxenberg@dot.gov
Cc: Susan Hanberry Martin; Carol Lystlund; Alice Boyd; Dan Fischer; Jarome@thegalawfirm.com; Brian@thegalawfirm.com; Chris@clarksmithlaw.com; Buck; Ivy Cadle; Alan P Taylor; hduncan@macon.com
Subject: Please Respond -- Re: (Forest Hill Road) STP-3213(1,3)/BRMLB-3213(5)
Dear Sirs,
We have not received any response to our email below.
Nor have we received a response to our other request for GDOT's planned date for the Bid Release for this project. 
Please respond to all.
- Lindsay Holliday, et al.


GDOT-replies to Suit

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