go back to Forest Hill Road
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Comments compiled Macon-Bibb.com
Project History
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2016 December 8th - Meeting at St Francis Church to view new design concept FHR from Wimbish to Vineville July 9 - Completion is Delayed - reported by Macon Telegraph article_2016_07_09 June 10 - Telegraph says "At least make the Retaining Walls Match" April 19 - Contract to Redesign FHR concept from Wimbish to Vineville/Forsyth Rd. Macon "Commissioners approved $120,600 for the conceptual analysis and design of the next phase of the Forest Hill Road widening and improvement project." 2015 3-3-15 Telegraph reports on finish date estimates 2014 3-23-14, Telegraph reports the long delayed Ruin of FHR Neighborhood to begin soon 2013 Case is Dismissed on 10-22-2013 8-7-13. Macon Area Transportation Study (MATS) group votes to Delay 1-23-13 GDOT's reply to lawsuit and article in Telegraph 2012 Filing for an Injunction-- Lawsuit 12-14-2012 GDOT advertisements to begin construction 12-8-12. Mayor Reichert - October meeting and November letter Citizens have always been right - Telegraph_Letter_2012 Sept 05 Looking-for-Heroes.htm LARGE file of GDOT plans 170MB GDOTs-Final-Plans-FHR-3-lane-section-7-6-12.pdf Macon Councilman Ellington's Resolution to GDOT AARP - Age Friendly Community Network and also Complete-Streets_adopted by Macon 5-1-12, and GDOT board approves 'Complete Streets' policy ORR_GDOT_traffic_explanation_ORR.pdf ORR_Traffic-Methodology-Forest-Hill-2018-2038-approved_12-27-11.pdf 2011 Pedestrian Fatal-Accident-M.J.Clark_2011 December 11 Bibb Chairman Sam Hart sells out FHR (7-21-2011) to GDOT as a Truck Route. Clever photography shows no homes along the road. 2010 FHR-Telegraph_20100114.htm FHR-Telegraph_20100121.htm FHR_Traffic-EA-Sholl_20100210.pdf GDOT letter (9-29-2010) defends their Traffic Counts. GDOT answers Senator Browns letters (Dec 2010) Chellman-FHR-2010.htm FHR_Hart-Reichert-to-Marshall_20100722.jpg Marshall-Inquiry_20100702.htm Macon_Mall-Overbuilt_201009.htm 2009 - Project Re-Starts thanks to 7-6-09 letter to GDOT from Mayor Reichert... sells us out. 2008 MT_Article_20080319.htm ROW-GaPower-Agent20080326.gif FHR_Flooding_Suit.htm FHR_Res_Oversight_3-18-08.GIF 2007 FHR_neighbors_comments.htm Macon Mayoral Candidates positions - July MinutesProblems2007.htm 2006 FHR_YellowRibbonSaturdayNov182006.jpg Trees-Marked_20061019.jpg RIP_Meeting_20060421players.jpg 2004 Jan 16 (Feb 3, 2003 submitted) Traffic-Calming_Grice_Invoice.pdf Mayor Ellis gives FHR to GDOT for a Temporary State Route 2002 Jan 14 Telegraph article Traffic-Calming-Study Boondoggle Feb 4 Bibb County Chairman Olmstead (Letter) and Harvey Keepler hand pick the Stakeholders. FHR_StakeholdersMeeting5-29-02.pdf FHR_StakeholdersMeeting-5-30-02-Hipps.pdf FHR_StakeholdersMeeting-5-30-02-Palladi.doc 2001 Oct 26. GDOT Environmental Engineer, Harvey Keepler (Letter) admits FHR was Safer than statewide average. Admits GDOT Calculations in their Environ Assessment were wrong. June 11. Only true Public Meeting is held at Springdale Elementary |
FHR_NeedsPurpose1-10p.pdf FHR_NeedsPurpose11-49p.pdf
STP-3213(3) and BRMLB-3213(5), Bibb County P.I. No. 351130- and 351135- CR 723/Forest Hill Road from Wimbish Road to CR 79/Northside Drive and CR 723/Forest Hill Road at Sabbath Creek north of SR 19 Project History August 1995 Projects added to CWP (351130-, PE $10k, FY-99; ROW - Local; CST $2,468k, FY-01) (351135-, CST $144k, FY-01). December 18, 1995 PE ($10k) authorized. January 18, 1996 Bibb County executes LGPA (PE, fund RW acquisition, fund relocation of public and cause relocation of private utilities). April 17, 1996 Urban requests schedule from Bibb County. March 3, 1997 Project Costs Updated (351130-, CST $2,715k; 351135-, CST $158k). October 31, 1997 Draft Concept Report received from Bibb County. December 2, 1997 Draft Concept Report review comments to Bibb County for correction. April 15, 1998 Draft Concept Report received from Bibb County. June 16, 1998 Concept Team Meeting presenting two alternatives, (1) 3LU and (2) 4LU with raised median; 2021 traffic data supports a 4LU with raised median, but Bibb County wants a 3LU. With a 3LU section, no adverse effects to UST, history, RW. December 15, 1998 Concept Report Approved; two, 4.0-meter lanes with a 4.3-meter flush median, a 1.2-meter sidewalk on east side of roadway; RW 21.3 meters (351130-, CST $3,542k; 351135-, CST $250k). October 27, 1999 Hydraulic Report and culvert design for Sabbath Creek and Preliminary SSI Report received from Bibb County. February 17, 2000 Commissioner Shackelford meets with Bibb County delegation and agrees to place Forest Hill Road on Temporary SR System to fund RW and relocate utilities, “…a sound investment of Federal Funds….” August 2000 CST FY-02 to FY-05 (CDB). August 22, 2000 PFPR Package received from Bibb County. December 5, 2000 PFPR Package review comments returned to Bibb County for correction. March 1, 2001 EA Approved. June 11, 2001 L&D PHOH (4PM-7PM, Springdale Elementary School). July 5, 2002 Project Costs Updated (351130-, CST $5,166k) January 22, 2003 Bibb County executes RW Mowing and Maintenance Agreement (for portion of Forest Hill Road outside of city limits of Macon). June 13, 2003 Urban requests Bibb County to verify project commitments. July 30, 2003 Bibb County executes RW Mowing and Maintenance Agreement (northern 10% of project). August 29, 2003 Bibb County executes LGPA (PE, utility relocations; DOT RW, Sabbath Creek Bridge Culvert, CST). September 8, 2003 Revised Concept Report Approved; two, 12-foot lanes with a 14-foot TWLTL, 5-foot sidewalks on both sides of the roadway offset three feet from curb for landscaping on a 12-foot shoulder; begin project limits shifted 131 feet north due to extension of 350520- (351130- CST $4,718k; 351135-, CST $233k). September 2003 CST FY-06 to FY-05 (ABR). September 19, 2003 Urban requests Forest Hill Road be placed on Temporary State Route System. February 24, 2004 CST FY-05 (current), FY-08 (proposed), FY-07 (approved) to coordinate with 350520-. May 13, 2004 Order of the Commissioner No. 3386 officially approves addition of Forest Hill Road to Temporary State Route System. May 20, 2004 Addition of ROW Phase to CWP (351130-, ROW $50k, CST $4,717k; 351135-, CST $233k). June 2, 2004 Project Cost Updates (351130-, ROW $1,703k, CST $4,898k; 351135-, CST $270k). June 15, 2004 FONSI Approved. September 16, 2004 Temporary State Route designations (1125, 1125TA-1125TC) assigned. October 12, 2004 Hydraulic Report and culvert design for Sabbath Creek received from Bibb County. October 15, 2004 Hydraulic Report and culvert design review comments to Bibb County for correction. Hydraulic Report forwarded to Eugene Hopkins/Brad Erhman, Road Design on 9/6/07; review comments are expected by 9/14/07. October 28, 2004 RW FY-05 to FY-06 (LDBS). November 18, 2004 Traffic Engineering Report, including warrant analysis, for a stop-and-go traffic signal at intersection of Forest Hill Road with Lokchapee Drive and Old Lundy Road received from Bibb County. November 29, 2004 Urban requests existing pavement evaluation from OMR December 3, 2004 Final SSI Report received from Bibb County December 9, 2004 Urban requests Design Variances from Bibb County for driveway grades for Parcel Nos. 034, 096 (2), and 123 (2). December 10, 2004 Project Cost Updates (351130-, ROW $1,703k, CST $4,508k; 351135-, CST 292k). December 27, 2004 Traffic Engineering Report, including warrant analysis, received from Bibb County. Follow-up e-mail transmitted to Traffic Operations/District 3 Traffic Engineer regarding the status of the Traffic Signal Permit on 9/11/07. January 7, 2005 Design Variances for driveway grades received from Bibb County. January 14, 2005 Final SSI Report review comments to Bibb County for correction. February 2, 2005 Design Variances for driveway grades received from Bibb County. Urban has no record of transmitting the request to Engineering Services for review/approval. Urban Design’s recommendation to Bibb County is to flatten the commercial driveways to meet the 11% maximum grade. February 24, 2005 Final SSI Report received from Bibb County. March 29, 2005 PFPR Package received from Bibb County. April 1, 2005 Final SSI Report comments to Bibb County for correction. May 20, 2005 Final SSI Report review comments to Bibb County for correction. July 13, 2005 Final SSI Report received from Bibb County. July 29, 2005 Final SSI Report Approved. August 18, 2005 Bibb County executes RW Mowing and Maintenance Agreement (northern 10% of project). According to Mr. Danny Tavikol, City of Macon, the signed Agreement has been mailed. GDOT should receive it by 9/12/07. August 24, 2005 PFPR. September 21, 2005 CST FY-07 to FY-08 (CDB). October 14, 2005 Project Cost Update (351135-, CST $377k). October 26, 2005 L&D Approved. May 1, 2006 Project Cost Update (351130-, RW $1,958k; 351135-, $87k). June 21, 2006 RW Plans Approved. June 21, 2006 PM 2.5 Advertisement, ‘Forest Hill Road project does not appear to be ‘a Project of Air Quality Concern’; first publication 6/24/06; second publication 7/1/06. August 31, 2006 CST (351130-) $5,362k FY-07 to FY-09 (LDBS). September 25, 2006 FONSI Re-evaluation approved. November 9, 2006 RW ($1,958k) Authorized. December 7, 2006 Commissioner meets with Bibb County delegation ‘projects have met some resistance at local level; both agree these are needed improvements - must move forward). December 27, 2006 Project Cost Update (351130-, CST $9,220k) addition of lighting and landscaping. January 4, 2007 Project Cost Update (351135-, CST $453k). February 21, 2007 Receive Pavement Design recommendations from OMR. June 26, 2007 Pavement Designs submitted to Committee for review/approval. July 13, 2007 Pavement Designs Approved. October 16, 2007 Hydraulic Report review comments to Bibb County for correction. October 17, 2007 Receive revised Hydraulic Report from Bibb County> January 24, 2008 Landscape plans sent to TMC for review. (Sent to Mr. Bill Wright) January 24, 2008 Lighting plans sent to Road Design for Review. (Sent to Mr. Alan Walker) January 24, 2008 Footing detail from lighting plans sent to Bridge Design for Review. (Sent to Mr. Alexander) January 30, 2008 L&D advertisement. (Publication dates run from week of 02/04/08 to week of 02/25/08) February 1, 2008 Project Cost Update (351130, CST $8,551,500) February 1, 2008 Project Cost Update (351135, CST $344k) February 6, 2008 Received comments from TMC for landscape plans. February 7, 2008 Forwarded landscape comments to MAAI. February 8, 2008 Received Lighting plans with comments and a marked up set. Forwarded the mark-up set and comments to Steve Daniel (MAAI). February 28, 2008 Mediation held by Judge Beasley on Projects No. 8 & 9. to August 6, 2008 March 19, 2008 Received corrected Lighting plans and the comments. (Corrections did not address comments made from Lighting department and were sent back to Stantec). April 11, 2008 Received 2nd submission of corrected Lighting plans. Advised that Environmental documents (404 Permit, RE-EVAL and MOA) was forwarded April 15, 2008 Forwarded corrected lighting plans to Road Design Lighting department for review and approval. April 24, 2008 Received marked up copy for Lighting Department and comments. Forwarded 2nd request for lighting detail review to Bridge design. April 29, 2008 Received review comments from Bridge design for lighting detail. Forwarded review comments from Bridge design and lighting department to MAAI to get correction. July 23, 2008 Received final set of plans, CD and other pertinent final package info. MAAI advised that corrections are again needed for earthwork, erosion control, driveways and etc. July 30, 2008 Project Let date was moved to December 2009 let and MAAI was advised. August 8, 2008 MAAI advised of NPDES General Permit No. GAR100002 requirements for project. September 15, 2008 Right-of-way acquisition was suspended by GDOT. September 16, 2008 MAAI advised of yearly cost estimate update. February 9, 2009 Value Engineering Study being conducted on Forest Hill Road corridor (in conjunction with the 4-lane section). VE being held from Feb 9-12, 2009. March 3, 2009 GDOT submitted VE Report with comments to Bibb County. May 9, 2009 Value Engineering Study completed on Forest Hill Road corridor. VE Report has been revised and approved by Engineering Services, and submitted to FHWA. June 3, 2009 GDOT received responses to VE Study from Bibb County. September 3, 2009 GDOT issued NTP letter to resume Right-of-Way Acquisition. December 2, 2009 Submitted a revised project schedule with an estimated Let date of May-2011. April 2010 Project included in the 2014 TIP/STIP for CST. November 4, 2010 Revised project schedule submitted to GDOT (Aug-2011 Let) December 7, 2010 Bid Awarded for Demolition and Removal of House at 785 Forest Hill Road. February 8, 2011 Updated Cost Estimates submitted to GDOT. February 23, 2011 Meeting at GDOT with FHWA to discuss community complaint. February 28, 2011 Meeting at GDOT with FHWA and Caution Macon to discuss community complaint. March 3, 2011 Meeting with Consultants to resolve conflicts with Lighting Design and GPC Relocations. March 14, 2011 Final Acceptance of Demolition and Removal of House at 785 Forest Hill Road. March 22, 2011 Submitted request for approval of landscape plans to City of Macon Tree Commission. March 24, 2011 FFPR held. March 30, 2011 Project included in the 2013 TIP/STIP for CST. April 14, 2011 Response to FFPR Review Comments submitted to GDOT PM. May 5, 2011 Request to move project to Dec-2011 Let submitted to GDOT PM. June 13, 2011 Request for a CFI submitted to GDOT PM. June 29, 2011 Submitted the Photo Mitigation package for historical properties to GDOT. August 2, 2011 Submitted culvert design plans for review and comment to GDOT PM. August 18, 2011 Submitted request to retain MWA existing facilities concurrence letter from City of Macon and Bibb County to GDOT. August 25, 2011 Submitted design variances to GDOT PM. October 14, 2011 Received final plans review comments from GDOT PM. October 20, 2011 GDOT PM gives NTP for environmental re-eval. October 20, 2011 Notice given that Project Let date was moved to July-2012, as per GDOT PM. October 25, 2011 Submitted response to final plans review comments to GDOT PM. November 2, 2011 Updated right-of-way certification schedule submitted to GDOT PM. November 8, 2011 Submitted environmental re-eval schedule to GDOT PM. November 21, 2011 Received review comments for Design Variances from GDOT PM. November 22, 2011 Submitted lighting plans to Central Services – City of Macon. November 22, 2011 Submitted landscape and irrigation plans to Parks and Recreation Dept – City of Macon. November 29, 2011 Re-submitted landscape plans request to Mayor Robert Reichert, for the Macon Tree Commission. December 5, 2011 Received concurrence letter from SHPO for photo mitigation submittal. |
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